Forum Discussion

JrmeBourgoin's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Articulate Presenter - blurry images

There is a blurry image issue when publishing with Articulate Presenter.


Someone sent me a Powerpoint with narration. The Powerpoint is in 16:9 and has a size of 25.4cm X 14.288cm. Which corresponds to a size of 960X540 pixels for Articulate Presenter. I am publishing with player size at “Scale player to fill browser window” so that the reader can adjust to the browser size. 960X540 is way too small anyway. Most people have a screen resolution of 1920X1080. Obviously, if I publish at 960X540 pixel and I view the presentation in full screen, its “zooms” in the image. So, a jpg image in my Powerpoint published in 960X540 and enlarged to full screen 1920X1080… It is normal that it appears blurry. However, if I display my Powerpoint in full screen, the image is not blurred…


So, I'm testing to double the size of my Powerpoint. I put it at 50.8cm X 28.576cm. Which is 1920X1080 for export with Articulate Presenter. I'm publishing with “Scale player to fill browser window”. Same result… images are blurry. I don't understand !!!

I therefore test a publication but choosing the fixed size at 1920X1080 (Player size : Lock player at optimal size). There, everything is beautiful. jpg images are not blurry. However... It's the same Powerpoint and it's the same images.


It seems that there is an issue when publishing with Articulate Presenter. It should publish at the best possible resolution when “Scale player to fill browser window” is chosen. Which it isn’t doing right now !




Test 1

In the original Powerpoint at 25.4cm X 14.288cm (960X540)

If I click on the image in Powerpoint and save it as an image… the resulting file is a 688kb PNG of 1777X1643 pixels.

If I publish with Articulate Presenter with “Scale player to fill browser window”, I see the image in the "mobile" folder of the published files and the image is 108kb at 580X536 pixels.  So, Articulate seems to downsize the image when it publish. 


Why doesn't Articulate Presenter publish the image at 1777X1643 pixels like Powerpoint can? Is it an error in the software programming?


Test 2

In the enlarged version of the Powerpoint at double the size (50.8cm X 28.576cm (1920X1080))

If I click on the image in Powerpoint and save it as an image… the resulting file is a 2592kb PNG of 3510X3244 pixels.

If I publish with “Scale player to fill browser window”, I see the image in the "mobile" folder of the published files and the image is 104kb at 574X530 pixels.

Why doesn't Articulate Presenter publish the image at 3510X3244 pixels like Powerpoint can? Is it an error in the software programming? And how is it possible that the image is smaller than in the Powerpoint version of test 1. It is illogical !!!!!!


Test 3

Again with the Powerpoint at 50.8 X 28.576 (same of test 2).

If I publish with player size at “Lock player at optimal size”, the size is "lock" at 1920X1080. I see the image in the "mobile" folder of published files and the image is 514kb at 1530X1414 pixels. So Articulate Presenter can export the image in higher resolution.

Why doesn't it publish the image at its best possible resolution when choosing to export with “Scale player to fill browser window” like in test 2?

Sounds like a programming problem...

  • JrmeBourgoin's avatar
    Community Member


    I hope someone have a solution... the published quality in unacceptable !


    There is a way.....

    1-I can save the image as file from Powerpoint

    2-find the corresponding image in the "mobile" folder of the published files

    3-rename the file save from the Powerpoint with the same name of the one in the published files

    4-Copy the file in "mobile" folder of the published files to replace the low quality files version made by the publication

    5-And "voilà" !!!



    Why the Publication with Articulate doesn't publish with the best resolution of the image ????


    I have a project with 40 Powerpoints.  I can't publish and after that......find all images and save them from the Powerpoint, rename it, replace it in the published folders,.....


    Articulate should publish the image in good quality !!!

  • JrmeBourgoin's avatar
    Community Member


    We used Adobe Presenter software before. As this software will not be updated... We decided to go with Articulate (Which costs much more).

    But I just published the presentation with Adobe Presenter and the images are of excellent quality...

    I really don't understand why the quality is not there with Articulate Presenter 360...

  • Hello Jérôme,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. 

    When publishing your course, can I ask if you've tried adjusting the publishing settings of the Image Quality to 100%? Here's a screenshot of what this setting looks like for your reference: 

    If adjusting the image quality setting doesn't help, try doing a repair of your Studio 360 installation. If the issue persists, would you be willing to share a copy of your Presenter 360 file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

  • JrmeBourgoin's avatar
    Community Member



    Thanks for your answer.

    Everything was at top quality in the setting.


    I made lots of test and I have open a case.  Someone answered me yesterday and he is sending the informations and my test to the team to see if the error can be correct.


    So I'll wait to see if they can help me...

    have a nice day