Forum Discussion

SilviaZanella-4's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Audio track not connected to timeline

When my slide starts, audio track a starts, when this is finished track b starts and the timeline is going, however, when I try to leap forward or backward, the audio stops but does not go to the point I move it in the timeline, when I click play again, it continues where left off, regardless where the marker in the timeline is.

the global player settings are set to allow user to drag the seek bar


this issue seem to only concern slides with more than 1 audio, either on 1 slide or multiple audio on various layers



  • If you add a trigger to an audio file it loses its connection to the timeline, which is why the waveform disappears off the timeline to show this.

    Can you add the audio onto a layer, so the layer is triggered instead of the audio file and then set that layer to be seekable?

  • do you have a trigger to start the audio?

    On the timeline does it show as a waveform?

    • SilviaZanella-4's avatar
      Community Member

      The 1st audio track a starts automatically track b is triggered to start when a completes

      Track a - yes file type .mp3
      Track b no - .wav file


      strangely enough, when I hover over the .wav it appears as .mp3


  • Hi Silvia!

    Thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear you're having issues with your audio stopping. 

    Could you please share your .story file in this thread or privately in a support case

    Thank you!

  • I took the trigger out, it turned to a wave line and I just moved it in the timeline to start after track a

    so that was very helpful, thank you

    however my total timeline is approx. 2 min, although my tracks in total are just about 1 min.

    I cannot shorten the time line. and there are no other layers in this slide


    @ Luciana, I am afraid I cannot because of confidentiality. if nothing helps I may extract this 1 slide




  • You should be able to drag it backwards.

    I wonder if you have a shape that is not set always to show.

    Look at the objects on the end of the timeline do they all have an arrow at the end?

    You can right-click them to show until the end. and when they are all set, you can drag it back.

  • Hi Silvia

    I understand the need for confidentiality, but it will be easier if we can look into the file. Our Support team can sign an NDA, and they’ll delete the file once they find the issue

    If you're still experiencing this after trying Phil's suggestion above, please let me know! 

  • Hi

    in preparation of copying the slide over into a new blank story project for a support case, I was able to shorten the timeline to the actual length of 57 sec

    before the audio track appeared as 2 min I was unable to shorten the timeline

    (2min in timeline, but 56 sec in Audio editing mode)

    once I shorten the timeline in the new story file, I deleted the original slide of the old story file and copied back the slide with the shortened timeline

    and now it works

    no idea why.