Forum Discussion
Auto play audio in Rise?
Is it possible to make an audio clip auto play in Rise? And if so, how can I do this?
- KenKlugeCommunity Member
PLEASE add autoplay!
It is hard for me to convince my company to move forward with purchasing any more licenses without this feature. All of our eLearning Development has voiceover narrations that need to trigger to play automatically when advancing in the lesson.
- KristiLozano-a8Community Member
I've used many tools for development over the years and was wowed by Rise, but without enhancing the learning with narration, I won't be able to use it with a good conscience. Audio that pairs with visuals and text naturally and not as an afterthought where you must click on it is where Rise must go as a learning platform. Please add audio capabilities to text and visual blocks. We learn best when multiple channels or parts of our brain marry content elements.
- AnthonyGossCommunity Member
Autoplay is now on the roadmap, but it is under "planned" and not "in development." This is good news, but there is no specific timeframe for implementation.
- KristiLozano-a8Community Member
Great news that media autoplay is on the development roadmap! I hope it happens very soon. Thank you, Anthony!
- BobMcGuire-699cCommunity Member
Also glad to hear this, and I hope that we see it sooner rather than later. In my mind, this is currently the biggest deficiency with Rise. Thank you for the somewhat encouraging update. I'll be even happier once it moves to "in development."
- SusoAtanesCommunity Member
I hope also. But I think that it’s going to be difficult…it seems that are legal security reasons in this issue. But you never know…cross fingers!
Best wishes.
Suso Atanes
De: E-Learning Heroes
Enviado el: miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020 19:09
Para: Suso Atanes
Asunto: Reply to Auto play audio in Rise?
- KeithKemsleyCommunity Member
This is good news. This will be an important enhancement.
- AnaCeciliaDe589Community Member
Second the audio autoplay to be added in Rise 360.
- ClaireGriswold-Community Member
Adding my vote for autoplay for audio availability in Rise!
- LaurenAmmons-6cCommunity Member
This issue is the one thing keeping me from developing exclusively in Rise. Rise is a much faster tool to develop and would help me get content out quicker, but not having autoplay as an option is a deal breaker for my employer and therefore Rise is off of the table. Storyline it is for me until this option is added.
- MartinDunne-949Community Member
Adding my vote for autoplay for audio availability in Rise!
Hi everyone! We have added media autoplay on our roadmap for Rise 360. I don't have a timeline for when that feature will be released, but we'll let you know as soon as it's ready!
- MartinDunne-949Community Member
Thank you so much for listening to the community, this feature will really help User experience with our courses :)
- MartinDunne-949Community Member
Hi Alyssa, has "media autoplay" been removed from the roadmap???
- NickSoave-e5fcbCommunity Member
...I'd be surprised if it was ever ON it.