Forum Discussion
Blank screen after update
Hi Stuart and Christoph,
I checked in with a few colleagues on this, and I believe my colleague Mike reached out to you directly, Stuart? Last we heard it was resolved in your LMS, but if you need us to take a look at your LMS and how it's behaving the offer still stands! You can respond to Mike's previous email or connect with our Support Engineers here.
Our team would love to take a look at your example too, Christoph. The black screen is not what anyone would expect, but the course would restart as mentioned here. Talking with a few folks this AM, it seems like an LMS setting as it's not consistent for all users or all LMSs but we'd love to take a look at one of these courses in an LMS to confirm. Let me know if you're able to share that with us either here in ELH or directly to our Support team.