Forum Discussion

AdamLamb-c7b2ef's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Branching Recording in LMS

Greetings, Hive Mind. 

Basically, a have a client who wants to track the path the learner takes through a branching scenario. I'm not aware of any way to do it "out of the box". Has anyone come up with a creative solution to this? 

Thanks so much!

  • Hi, Adam,

    I'm sure the JavaScript experts have a way to do that. 

    I've never needed to track the path through a branched scenario. But here's a Storyline-only solution that *might* work: 

    For each decision point in the branching:

    • Insert a text-entry Survey question.
      • Be sure to rename the TextEntry variable to something meaningful.
      • Adjust the Slide Properties to remove the Submit button. 
      • Add a when-timeline-starts trigger that Submits the interaction.
      • Add when-timeline-starts triggers that jump to the appropriate slide based on the decision made (i.e., based on the value of the associated variable).   
      • Cover it all up with a solid shape, so when the program is moving through, the survey content won't be visible. 
    • On the slide where the branching occurs:
      • Add triggers that put the appropriate value in the associated text-entry variable. For example:
        • Adjust variable point1 to "optionA" when the user clicks button A.
        • Adjust variable point1 to "optionB" when the user clicks button B.
      • Edit the branching jump-to triggers so they go to the next slide, i.e., to the Survey question. (As noted above, the actual branching will occur from there.)

    At the end of the course, insert a Survey results slide. Design and program this similar to the Survey question slides, so it's not visible to the user. 

    • The Survey Results will be sent to the LMS, so the client can decipher the path taken based on the survey results.

    Yeah, it's a complicated. And I'd say it's vital to plan the variable naming and potential values carefully to make the results as easy to follow as possible.

    As I said, I've never done this. So I suggest prepping a simplified course to test it out in the SCORM Cloud first.