Forum Discussion
Broken links /path to external pdf-files
- 3 months ago
You can add as many PDF files as you want to the resources. For instance, if you added a PDF file to the resources named 'pdf1,' you would need to specify its exact stored location in the Open URL/File trigger. Use a relative link such as story_content/external_files/pdf1.pdf to point to the file's location.
Just make sure the PDF file name is unique if you are pointing to a different PDF document stored in the external_files folder.
You asked: "Can I add the files to the resources and then link to the resources, does that work?" Answer: You can indeed add the files to the resources but no, you cannot link to the resources.
We have encountered the same issue in our organization and it ultimately was resolved by identifying that the original PDF links used were pointing to locations that were permissions-restricted. Because of how our internal sites were being restructured and how access to different locations was rebuilt, a good many files that were not previously available to everyone are now in a central repository (available to all) - which meant that we had to change the address where the PDF links pointed to.
I would recommend that you use the "greatest common access" location for the PDFs, then also include them in the Resources tab. That solution has worked for us, although it has not made the process of fixing the location links any easier.