Forum Discussion

CodyWarford's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Building my own results page

I am having some issues with the built in results pages of my training. What I do have correctly built is my own score variable that gives a score at the end of the training. (Out of 11,000) I feel like there should be a simple way to make a results variable that shows "users score variable" over 11,000 but I can't seem to make it work. Any ideas of how I would accomplish this?

  • Hi Cody, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    There is already a built-in variable in Storyline 360 that tracks the user's score, but I understand that you have your own variable that you'd like to use for this purpose. I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your requirement: 

    • How does your custom score variable differ from the built-in score variable? 
    • How are you populating the value of your custom score variable? 
    • Did you encounter any issues when using the built-in score variable to track the user's score? 

    If you're willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case, we can take a look at how your quiz is setup, and why your variables are not working as they should.