Forum Discussion

EmmanuelNdlec's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

button display bug

Hi all

I'm building a very simple screen with 4 texts that I use as buttons. With each text there is a picture that I wish to change when hovering the text.

On 2 of the buttons it works as expected, but on 2 others the picture of "normal" state is still displayed in "hover" state, beneath the proper "hover state" picture.

I tried rebuilding these 2 buttons, but the bug remains. Can anyone point me to a solution please ?

See attached file : 1st and 3rd buttons work properly, 2nd and 4th have the bug.

  • EmmanuelNdlec's avatar
    Community Member

    Ok, I found a workaround : since I have no need for transparency, I replaced png files by jpg, and everything's ok.
    I attach the workaround version of my example in hope it can help an articulate developper analyze the problem.

  • Hi, Emmanuel.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    We have a possible bug logged related to the normal state appearing during hover when using a PNG image.

    I'm happy you found a workaround, but I've also connected this discussion to the report so we can update you when we have any news to share. 

    • EmmanuelNdlec's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, tanks for answering.
      I think your bug description is à little wrong since as you can see in my examples it's not the entire normal state that remains, but only the png/graphic part: the text does go from normal(normal) to italic(hover) without any display bug.


      Envoyé depuis mon smartphone, d'où la prose moins élégante ;-)

  • Hi, Emmanuel.

    Thank you! I'll add those notes to the report so we can continue investigating this bug.