Forum Discussion
Can a "mailto:" link be used within Rise?
I'm currently testing out and learning rise. In an introductory "lesson" we would like to show photos and contact info for staff. I would like to make the staff person's email address be a link that would open the learner's email app. I tried editing the embed link function in rise, but no matter what, it automatically appends "http://" in front of the "mailto:" link. Any help will be appreciated.
- HollyHarris-1b2Community Member
Also, if you could please allow us to use " character in the url we could at least use this for gmail:"YOU@YOUREMAIL.COM"
Hi Holly,
I did share this idea as a part of the feature request we've submitted - so we'll keep you posted here with any updates on that.
Hi Steve, I'm happy to lend a hand! Would you mind sending me the "Share" link to the Google Form? Thanks!
- SteveSemlerCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa,
Here is the link from the Send > Embed HTML dialogue:
<iframe src="" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
Hi Steve,
Is this what you're looking for? This is the embed code I used in that Embed block:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
- SteveSemlerCommunity Member
Do you know why the link format you provided above is different from the one I received from the Send > Embed dialogue?
Hi Steve,
Looking at your link compared to Alyssa's I can see that it doesn't include the height and width attributes. I looked for the "Send - Embed" option that you mentioned and all I found on a google doc/form was the Publish - Embed option which gave me an embed code similar to Alyssa's.
Could you share more about the steps you went through to copy the embed code?
- SteveSemlerCommunity Member
Sure, I took a Peek vid of the form and the process:
Hey Steve! Thank you!
That video was certainly helpful and I think I've identified the difference :)
We advise using this format when embedding:
<iframe src="Insert Your URL Here"></iframe>
and you'll use that in the URL/Embed lesson or the Embed block type.
So, that is what Alyssa shared above. When I follow the same steps you shared in your video, I get the size attributes as well and it fails.
So, you can either use the format above and insert the URL in that format or simply insert the URL into the Embed block as you can see in this quick video.
Hope that helps and clears up any confusion.
- KaitlynRomberg-Community Member
Just chiming in to second this request! Hope to see it rolled out soon, it will definitely help us utilize Rise for different types of products.
- RamlaGabrielCommunity Member
We're currently testing Rise and deciding whether to use this software as an organization and, while this is generally very good software, being able to use basic functions like mailto links do make a significant difference.
- ThomasHyttenCommunity Member
Could not agree more. This really mess up the workflow.