Forum Discussion
Can I have multiple correct drag object/drop target combinations?
Hi all,
Just wondering if it is at all possible to have multiple correct drop targets for a drag item.
What I am trying to do it to get students to label questions (there are 5) with the correct strategy for solving them (there are 3 strategies).
So... I have 5 drop targets and multiples of each of my 3 labels and I can't seem to make it work.
Has anyone done something similar?
All help, suggestions and advice welcome
- SarahBerry-61adCommunity Member
Is there a simple way to make a freeform drag-and-drop object be correct on more than one target? It seems so crazy to have to build this from scratch. Why can't I just select the object more than once on the left and assign it to several options on the right?
If this hasn't been a feature request then it sure should be :)
Hey Sarah,
Feel free to share the .story file you're working on and I'm sure someone can help you out if needed.
We welcome your ideas along with a use-case and you can share those right here with our team.
- RakeshKumar5Community Member
If we show correct layer according to variables in drag and drop then interaction data will not set correctly in LMS, it shows wrong for that particular drag and drop. So if there any solution of that.
Hello Rakesh,
Thanks for reaching out and letting us know what you would like to create with your project.
Were you able to take a look at the solution Rebecca shared above where she used a Pick One Freeform to send the data to the LMS?
- Blue_KearsleyCommunity Member
Hi guys...
I've got a similar issue with my drag/drop freeform. It seems to work ok if all the 'correct' answers are selected right off the bat, but if not, and a re-attempt is needed, it doesn't work as expected. Users' have to remove all drag items, when retrying the activity again, and then re-drag them to form the correct answer on retry. I've attached the question. Help!?!?!
I've had to use multiple states. I don't want to show the drop correct/incorrect until the user has selected the submit button, and then show which are correct/incorrect. That works lovely. Out of the 6 drag options, 4 are correct. On the try again layer, I reset those incorrect items to normal once they select the try again button. I want them to be able to see which options were correct, and which weren't. If I then reset the correct items to normal, then it loses this view.
I've added a number of triggers that work when I've used text based freeform, but seem to be problematic here.
Selecting the submit buttons changes the state of correct/try again/incorrect button based on what the selection is. The submit interaction is at the bottom of that chain. Then, each drag item is changed to drop correct (for the correct 4) or drop incorrect (for the incorrect 2) -- not sure if the last 2 is needed?!?
On correct layer, all 4 drag items turn 'correct' in state (colour).
On try again layer, the state of each drag item changes, dependent on whether it's an incorrect or correct response. the variable 'try again' is then set to true at the button of that chain. By selecting the try again button, the 2 incorrect drag items are set back to normal (though only change in colour, not spring back to their originated place). I did have triggers to reset the try again/incorrect button to normal, but that didn't make any difference.
Incorrect layer, changes the states as appropriate.
The base slide has been set to reset to initial state on revisit, this however, does not put the drag items back to their originating point. Not sure if I need this, or not, but useful to know how I do that, if that's possible.
- BethCase-c92276Community Member
I don't have a solution, but would like to add that I want to do something similar. Basically, I want a drag and drop where after they click submit, the correct answers stay where they are and incorrect answers reset to the original position.
- EvaPhanvanovaCommunity Member
Hi there,
I've been trying to follow the example of Rebecca's workaround above (thanks a lot for sharing), with slight tweaks in place, but I don't seem to be able to get my 'Pick One' interaction working. I tried different variations and even followed the video example exactly as presented, however I keep getting an error when submitting the interaction - the incorrect layers appear regardless of whether the interaction has been submitted correctly or not.
Anyone that can help with this?
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
I'm pretty sure if you set the initial state of the Incorrect button to selected, you won't need this trigger, as long as you have made the Correct and Incorrect buttons a button set
Try changing this trigger to check the Drop Correct state of the drag items, instead of the targets
- EvaPhanvanovaCommunity Member
Thanks Walt! Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work so I decided to re-work this into a traditional drag&drop. Thanks a lot anyway!
- GlobalFinanceGlCommunity Member
The only thing missing were the triggers if the learner put the flowers in the wrong pot. I had to add those to my project and it worked. Thank you for the great instructions!
- DanaeMarkland-2Community Member
I have tried to follow a couple of the suggestions in this feed and nothing is working for me. Can you please take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong?