Forum Discussion

lwatts's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

Issue with tracking completion

We recently launched an eLearning and I'm having a handful of people coming forward saying that the course isn't tracking their learning as complete, despite completing the training. When they go to resume the course it takes them back several slides and they are unable to move forward.  Also - in some of these cases, I do go into the learners profile and the learners are in fact showing as complete.    I currently have the triggers set up on the last slide to show the course as completed when the timeline begins on the last slide but also have a trigger to exit the course when they select an exit button on the screen.  Any thoughts on as to why this might be happening or what I can look into to trouble shoot?


  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Are you tracking completion to a Learning Management System? Which one? What communication protocol are you using? SCORM (which Version/Edition)? AICC? xAPI?

    • lwatts's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for getting back to me!  I'll admit, this is all new to me, so I apologize if I don't understand exactly what you're asking.  It's a SCORM 1.2 file and I've included a screen shot from the publisher.


      • JoeFrancis's avatar
        Community Member

        So it looks like your LMS Tracking and Reporting settings are all good. You're using the Complete course as Completed/Passed trigger on the last slide to notify the LMS that the learner is complete, and you're doing that as soon as the timeline starts on that slide. I've seen cases where if the timeline is the default 5 seconds and the completion isn't sent until the timeline ends, the learner may not wait and then isn't marked Complete.

        You're using SCORM 1.2, which does not separate the Completion and Success statuses like SCORM 2004 does, so there's less of a chance that a learner is left in completion "limbo."

        What LMS are you using? I ask because, for example, my LMS (Saba, aka Cornerstone SBX) maddeningly requires the learner to click a [CLOSE PLAYER] button in the upper-right, which is outside of the course but part of their course player, to record completion.

        The other item which may be an issue is how big is the course? With SCORM 1.2, the maximum size the suspend data can be is 4,096 characters. If you have a large course, it's possible you're exceeding that limit.

        Storyline: Exceeding SCORM Suspend Data Limits