Forum Discussion

MaryMcDermott's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Can't save popups: (1) file contains corrupted data and (2) cannot access disposed object "Story Package"

Anyone else experience this? Ideas, suggestions?

I have no idea what the object "Story Package" is much less how to dispose of it.


  • Hi Mary,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble saving your file. Please check if you're working on your local drive. Saving and working from a network drive is known to cause corruption and may also cause access issues.

    There may still be a working version of your project in your temp files. Here's how to check:

    1) Open this folder in Windows Explorer: %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline

    2) Scan the contents of this folder for a file that starts with the name of your project. If you find one, copy it to your desktop. If you find more than one, copy the latest version to your desktop.

    3) Change the file extension of the copy on your desktop from *.tmp to *.story.

    4) Double-click the file to open it in Storyline.

    You can connect with us in a support case if you need additional help with your project file.