Forum Discussion

JudyNollet's avatar
Super Hero
3 years ago

Can't see the base from a layer? Or is it just dimmed? Is that what you want? Here's how to control base visibility...

There are different ways to control how the base layer appears—or disappears—when using added layers. It's good to know these options in case you need to troubleshoot a file that isn't displaying as expected. 

Dim the base while editing a layer

The Dim button slightly fades base objects while you're editing to help you focus on the layer objects. 

      • Dim is selected by default, but you can deselect it so the base appears without fading. 
      • Dim only fades the base during editing. It does not impact how the slide will look when previewed or published. 


Hide the base while editing the layer

The visibility of the base can be locked (visible) or unlocked (hidden) during editing. This image shows the base unlocked:

      • The default is locked, which reveals an eye icon. If you don't see that icon, just click the designated area to lock the visibility.

      • Like the Dim button, this only affects the base while you're editing layers. It doesn't hide the base when the slide is previewed or published.


Dim the entire base during editing and when previewed or published 

If a layer has a semi-transparent filled background, that will dim the base based on the fill color and transparency.

      • This setting is accessed via the DESIGN tab > Background Styles > Format Background. (Note: The default background for layers is set via the Feedback Masters.)

      • If you encounter a dimmed base and can't figure out why, check the background setting!


Hide the entire base during editing and when previewed or published 

The Slide Layer Properties let you hide the entire base when a user visits a layer in the published course. The base will also be hidden during editing.

      • Permanent objects (for example, shapes) that are on the Master layout can't be hidden with this method.


Hide designated objects on the base during editing and when previewed or published 

You don't have to use triggers to hide base objects when viewing a layer. You can set the visibility of each base object by selecting or deselecting the eye icons in the layer's timeline.

For example, the image below shows a deselected eye icon for Button 1 on the base. Thus, that button won't be visible during editing nor when the course is previewed or published.

      • Note: Permanent objects (for example, shapes) that are on the Master layout don't appear in the "Base Layer Objects" list. 
  • Here's another function that can hide some objects while you're editing: Timeline Visualization.

    When Timeline Visualization is turned on, you'll only see the objects that will be visible at the point in the Timeline where the playhead is. This is very handy, because it makes it easier to edit overlapping objects. 

    • It can always be scary! If you don't realize it is on, you might wonder why you aren't seeing everything on the slide. 

    This image shows a slide with Timeline Visualization off. You can't see the details in the overlapping objects. 

    This image shows the same slide with Timeline Visualization on. The playhead is at 4 seconds in the Timeline. Now, you only see the objects that will be visible at that time.