Forum Discussion

CharlotteCoo563's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Change a button from hidden to normal when the state of at least TWO other objects change

Hi there. I am trying to develop a slide  (I'm calling it slide 1 here) that has 6 images on it. Each image takes the user to a different slide with a unique freeform quiz question on it. Once they'v...
  • Nedim's avatar
    2 months ago

    Use a number variable to track user interaction and increment it by 1 only when the learner clicks an image for the first time. This ensures the learner interacts with at least two unique images.

    To achieve this, modify the triggers as follows (example for three images, but the same concept applies to more):

    Adding 1 to the count variable when the user clicks an image could increment the value every time the image is clicked. To avoid this and ensure the count increments only once per image, additional conditions or variables would be needed.

    However, a simpler and more efficient approach is to add 1 to the count when the state of an image is set to Visited. This ensures the action is executed only once, as the Visited state is triggered just once per object (unless the slide properties for Slide 1 are set to "Reset to initial state.")

    Attached is the .story file for reference.