Forum Discussion
Change appearance of hot spot question selector marker
Is there a way to change the color or size of the selection marker for hot spot questions in Storyline? I get feedback the marker is small and hard to see. I would like to make it more noticable.
Hi Emalyn and welcome to Heroes!
The small black and white checked circle is what appears when you click and you're using a hotspot question.
- JohnBradley-39fCommunity Member
Was the feature ever changed? Is there an option now after 3 years to modify the spinning icon?
- ChristiePollickCommunity Member
Hi, Santosh -- Thanks for reaching out, and unfortunately, I do not have any updated information to share at this time. You may want to consider the workaround Tracey shared above, and if you would like to reach our Product Development team and request this functionality as well, here is the form you would need to do so. And maybe others will have some additional workarounds to share, as well!
- Frank-BialasCommunity Member
You can add me to the list of folks who would like to be able to make the hot spot selector icon editable to make it much more easily seen. Using Storyline 2, I made a couple of quiz questions with a table of data taking up the full screen. The learner must find the spot showing the anomaly of concern. That one 3/4" spot is the correct answer; the whole rest of the screen is the wrong answer. The wrong answer can be anywhere on the screen that isn't the hotspot.
In review mode after completing a test of many questions, a wrong answer selection is not obvious in the screen full of data. So, the user would see they got that question wrong by the big red 'incorrect' banner at the bottom of the screen, but can't easily see what their answer was. In Review mode of a graded test that the student can take again and again, you don't show the correct answers, of course. They need to do some work to pass the test, not just guess till they get a question right. Please let me know when this feature is added.
Hi Frank,
This discussion is a bit older - but it would really help if you could share an idea or example of what you'd like to see? Some screenshots and examples of how it's working now vs. what you'd like to see would be great to share with our team as a Feature requests here. If you’re wondering what happens when you submit a feature request, here’s our process.
Thanks for reaching out and sharing more info!
- FrankBialasCommunity Member
Done. Request submitted 6-19-17.
Frank Bialas
in central Pennsylvania
Thanks so much for letting us know, Frank!
Also, just a note that replying via email carries your signature over to the thread here. You're welcome to pop in here and edit any personal info out, if desired.
- Frank-BialasCommunity Member
I suppose I should delete my work by-line and information. How does one access a previous post to edit it?
Hey Frank! It looks like you may have a couple accounts here based on the differences in profile pics between your replies.
Log in here with the email address you replied from in your comment above my last reply, and you should see the option to "Edit" your post like this:
Let me know if you have any trouble with that!
- LoriHaneyCommunity Member
The workaround I've been playing with is to use a Pick One or Pick Many interaction. I cover the entire area with transparent rectangles and then customize the "selected" state of each with the icon I want to show when the learner makes their choice. Then I make each of the transparent rectangles an answer choice in form view, and indicate which is the correct answer.
For example, I needed students to find three cats hidden in a picture. I covered the picture with a grid of 40ish transparent rectangles. For the selected state of each rectangle I added a cat paw icon. I changed the size of some rectangles to fit the cats and other likely options that students might choose and adjusted the placement of the paw on a few as well, but for the most part it was just an exercise in copy and pasting. The longest part was setting all 40 rectangles as answer choices, but once that was done, I had a pretty effective hot spot alternative. Students could select any place on the picture and a paw print "stamp" would show. Once they were satisfied with their choices, they could hit submit to see if they were right.
It worked well for an interaction where the selection areas were pretty large, but it might be a more challenging strategy if the items you want learners to select are small (so you'd need more rectangles) or if the borders are weird (like a map hotspot). Hope this helps. Love to hear other strategies or even ways to make something like this more streamlined.
Thanks for chiming in to share that with the community Lori :)
Welcome to E-Learning Heroes as well!
- ChrisBobkoCommunity Member
Adding this to my wish list as well, and just submitted a feature request. Even if we could just have a couple of alternate icons to choose from, maybe one that's a target or a cross hair for example? I've had several people that are confused with the spinning icon and think that the program has crashed, or is "still thinking" and don't realize that they have to click Submit to continue. Thanks, appreciate the support!