Forum Discussion
3 years agoCommunity Member
Change state of a button after trigger is fired
I am trying to get a set of buttons to go from visited to completed.
I have a main slide with a bunch of buttons that jump to difference scenes. These are the ones that aren't changing.
Super Hero
You're welcome. PIAWYC (Pass it along when you can).
The only priority triggers have is that they are executed in the order they appear. So to troubleshoot them, you start with the first one on the list and ask "What does it do? Now what has changed , what is the situation (states, variables)? Now in that new situation, what does the second one do?" Unless they have conditions that keep them from executing (or a jump to break the chain), they all execute in order, from top to bottom.
3 years agoStaff
Glad you got it resolved. Thanks for stepping in and helping, Walt. Hope you both have a great weekend.