Forum Discussion

KimGabites's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Collecting points in Storyline in a Website

I am hoping someone can help me figure out how best to proceed here please.

I am creating a game-like environment in my website, using storyline for the information and challenges.

People will visit the website, go through one storyline session to learn and get points.

Then they will do some activities, also in Storyline and earn more points.

I have the points set up in storyline OK but how would I get my website to pick these up and attach them to the person?

Can anyone recommend an add on etc to help.

My website is WordPress and Elementor based.

I don't want people to just get points for clicking on a link to the storyline sessions, they need to do the challenges to get the points.



  • Hi Kim,

    Happy to help!

    You'll need the functionality of an LMS to track the scores your learners get after completing graded assessments in your course. Without an LMS, it's challenging to save the scores from the quizzes and associate them with a user. 

    You can look at possible solutions in WordPress involving installing LMS plugins, but I'll defer to the community on this one so they can share the best approach to take!

  • Hi Kim

    I suspect that what you are trying to do is not trivial. Jose is right to point to the LMS as a possible solution - but you would probably need an xAPI capable LMS as it sound that the data you want to capture and store against each user is free format rather than just the number of questions the learner answered correctly.

    I don't know how good your coding ability is - or if you are running your own server to host your website. We were able to create a course evaluation form in Storyline and then use JavaScript to talk to a node.js app sitting on the server which takes the survey results and stores them in an SQL database. I did this because, frankly, I am too mean to pay for a Survey Form package. It wasn't as difficult as it sounds - but, on balance I would stick with an LMS/LRS solution if you can.

    PS - we also use Wordpress and Elementor!