Forum Discussion

ChristinaPowell's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Comments unavailable in Review 360?

I searched for answers to this and didn't see anything that quite fit my issue...

I am working with a client and have a Rise course that I published to Review.  The client does not have an Articulate license (that I know of) so I checked the box to allow comments from those without licenses.  I set a password and shared the link and password with the client.  

I just witnessed that she was unable to leave comments until I turned the password off - is this normal behavior of the system?  As soon as I turned the password off, when she refreshed her browser, she was asked for her email as expected to leave comments and the comment box was then visible.  

I would really like to password protect this content, but this is the first time I've used that feature for someone outside my organization and it didn't work.  Any other troubleshooting tips or suggestions as to why this didn't work would be appreciated!

Thank you!


  • Hi Christina,

    To add to what Richard said, I'm happy to help troubleshoot this issue and would like to start with the following steps. It's best to perform the following on your computer that published the Review course and your client's computer. 

    A) Please clear your browser cache and cookies, then access the course again.

    B) Use Incognito mode to rule out possible browser extensions that may be causing the problem.

    C) Use a different browser; ensure your browser has the latest updates and JavaScript is enabled. 

    Here's a peek into my tests for your reference; I was able to enter the Review 360 password and leave a comment without an Articulate ID.

    Let me know if you have additional questions, and I'll be more than happy to assist further!

  • Hi!

    I am having the same problem. I cannot leave comments in Review360. I've logged into my account, cleared my cache, tried incognito, and Edge (I normally use Chrome), and nothing is working. 

    I appreciate any suggestions or ideas!


    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Tonie, 

      Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag.  I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience: 

      • Are you able to leave comments on a Review 360 project if you connect to a different network from the one you are currently using? For this test, you can try leaving a comment using your mobile phone while using mobile data as your internet source.
      • If you uncheck the "Allow users with Articulate IDs to comment" option, are you able to leave a comment using a different email address?

      • Are you getting any error messages whenever you try to leave a comment? Kindly share a screenshot here if you are so we can investigate further. 

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


      • TonieMiller-cfa's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Jose,

        Thanks for the tips. I met with the designer and checked their settings and
        that worked!


  • Hi, Tonie!

    I'm so glad to hear that worked! Just a quick note that replying via email includes your signature here so you are welcome to edit the post and remove that information if you wish.