Forum Discussion

SteveLydon's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Competence based assessment.


I want to write an assessment where I can request the learners "show" me how to use a system.  My idea, is that using screenshots and hotspots, the learner can show me that they know their way around the system.

For instance, using a set of screenshots of our system, they have to click a sequence to get to an outcome.  I want to use hotspots in the test to be able to do this.  I also want to score them on how far they get.  So, if they go completely the wrong way, the get 0, but if they only select the last step incorrectly, they get a high mark.

I need to use multiple layers on the assessment.

I have added a flow so that my ramblings can be better understood.

The question is, can this be done and has anyone ever done this with any success?

  • Hello Steve,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    This sounds like a fit for Storyline 360's try it mode which you can generate by making screen recordings. You can read about this feature here: 

    I took a look at the Word file you shared and it looks like something you can do with screen recordings, complete with sections where learners will need to click on (hotspots) and the corresponding feedback that they will get if they clicked correctly or not. 

    You can check out the screen recording features to see if they suit your needs, and let me know if you have any questions!