Forum Discussion

ODOPSNS's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

corrupted module

Good afternoon.

I have created a course consisting of several modules. All modules were created at the same time, in Articulate Storyline 360. At the moment, one of the models stopped opening and gives the following error:

«This project is invalid or corrupt and cannot be opened. It may have been created in an earlier version of Storyline».

All other modules are working correctly. How can I defeat this error?

Thanks in advance.


  • Who knows? Random quark flying through your hard drive, holding your mouth wrong while you were creating it, the president stirring his breakfast coffee counter clockwise, instead of clockwise; almost anything can corrupt SL objects/projects.

    The best solution is to start going through your backups, starting with the most recent, until you find one that is good. If that is too far back, you can try to open a new project, and import slides from the corrupted one. Sometimes it is only one thing in the project that causes the problem.

  • Hello!

    I also wanted to jump into this discussion and share how you can find temp files if you encounter a corrupted project!

    Here are the steps:

    1) Open this folder in Windows Explorer: %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline

    2) Scan the contents of this folder for a file that starts with the name of your project. If you find one, copy it to your desktop. If you find more than one, copy the latest version to your desktop.

    3) Change the file extension of the copy on your desktop from *.tmp to *.story.

    4) Double-click the file to open it in Storyline.