Forum Discussion

LucyWood-cf5987's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Digits in Passing Score

I have a 7-question graded quiz, and I want learners to get 6 out of 7 correct in order to pass.  How many digits will SL accept for inputting a passing score?  I need to input 85.17% as a passing score for the LMS to record as "pass".  I'm using Workday, in case anyone out there has a similar situation.

  • Storyline uses the correct and incorrect answer points to calculate passing score. If you've left it on the default and all your correct answers are worth 10 points and your incorrect answers are worth 0 points, then you can leave it on the default quiz setting of 80% of the points, because getting 5 out of 7 questions right would be worth 50 out of 70 points, so a learner will only pass if they get 6 out of 7, or 60 out of 70 points, which is greater than the 80% pass requirement. I hope that helps!