Forum Discussion
Disable Quiz Results page
I'm interested in any developments on this also.
We are trying to use Rise360 quizzes as before and after surveys/self-reflections and would like to the quiz score hidden, as setting it to "0%" passing doesn't look great and has been confusing for some users, no matter how clear we explain that there are no wrong answers.
An option in question/quiz settings to make any answer correct would be great, alternatively the ability to hide the quiz total score displayed at the end and to just say they have submitted.
Prefer to use as quiz rather than knowledge check, so we can record and compare before and after responses and see if any improvements in self-reflection at the end of the course.
Using external survey embed isn't a great option as the user has to enter their details each time, and inserting a storyline block won't allow us to track the user responses.
We are still using assessed knowledge quizzes within the course as well.
Hi Rebecca!
There aren't any updates yet on this request to have the option to hide the quiz score in the results.
In addition, we're also tracking requests for adding Survey/Ungraded questions in quizzes in Rise.
We'll keep this thread posted on any updates on these requests. Let us know if you have any further questions or suggestions!