Forum Discussion

LeeHayslip's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Edit Master Layer Items on Individual Slide

Hello everyone!

I have a master slide with on-slide forward and backward buttons (rather than using the player), but occasionally, my slide layouts require the forward button to be disabled until the user does/clicks X or Y.

I have workarounds, but is there a way to edit elements on the master slide for a single slide rather than having to create (and maintain) a separate basic layout where that's the only difference? 

    • LeeHayslip's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for the suggestion! I hadn't considered that. But how do I have triggers interact with the master slide? I didn't realize that was possible.

  • You can't edit Master items from a slide. 

    Here's an easy potential workaround: on the slide, cover the Master forward button with an object that looks like a Disabled version of it. Then change the state of that object to Hidden when the conditions are met (for example, when X and Y are Visited). 

    • LeeHayslip's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you, Judy! My workaround is similar but sloppier looking (white box covering the button that disappears). If I can't achieve what I'm looking for, your solution would at least be cleaner-looking, so I'll do that moving forward. 


      Thank you!

  • I think Tom's solution is elegant. However, you do need to consider what happens if the user returns to the slide. Here's the trigger on the interactive slide in his demo: 

    • As it is, that will run every time the user visits the slide, which means the button will be disabled every time the user visits the slide. So this trigger would need a condition to prevent that from happening. 
    • The condition could check a T/F variable that tracks whether or not the interaction has been completed.

    In any case, it's definitely worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions. They provide the real power in Storyline.