Forum Discussion

EoinBarry's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Embedded Video

Hi all i have an embedded video from Microsoft Stream. Is it possible to NOT allow the user to advance to the next slide until the video completes?

  • Hi Eoin, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community! ✨

    It is possible to disallow the user from being able to advance to the next slide until they watch the video with a trigger.

    You can do this by creating a trigger to jump to slide: next slide when: the media completes. The user would automatically advance to the next slide when the video is finished without needing to click submit.

    Please let me know if that helps, or if you need additional assistance!

  • How can this be done when the video is embedded, as SL has no way of knowing when the video finishes if on a third party site (such as YouTube or Stream)?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Matthew, 

      Thanks for reaching out!

      Yes, you are correct. Apologies for any confusion. There isn't a way for an embedded video to communicate to Storyline 360 that it has ended. The tested way to do this is to download the embedded video and add it as a file in your project