Forum Discussion

KevinLausier-b2's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Entering a Password to Automatically Pass a Quiz

Has anyone ever created an administrator screen where an admin can enter a password, and then the quiz is automatically passed with 100% score? 

We have an LMS that doesn't allow us to automatically pass a user on the back end if they have issues with the SCORM communicating to the LMS.

Scenario: A user in another country with spotty Wi-Fi passes the SCORM, but the score does not get communicated to the LMS. They don't want to take the quiz again, but they show a 100% passing screenshot to me.

As an admin, I would like to be able to open the course on my end for them, enter a password, and pass them without having to answer all quiz questions myself. 

Has anyone had success in something like this?

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    You may be able to do this by creating a hidden scene that would only be viewed by an admin, as you are showing in your mockup. In that scene, you could put a checkbox "pass" that would also be reported to the LMS via the Results processes.

    Getting to the hidden scene could be done by putting a hotspot or transparent shape in a location on your start screen or one of the early screens of the course; click the hotspot, require the password, else return to the regular screen.

    I haven't done that but it might work.

  • So far my struggle has been that I cannot get the built-in variables to budge. Even when I make triggers that say that variable should be set to 100 for the score percent, it doesn't update.

    I am wondering if the built-in variables cannot be modified by hand.

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    <voice_of_experience_cough>I would not recommend trying to tweak the built-in variables.</voice_of_experience_cough>

    Instead, try creating your own - for example, "admin_override" and set it as T/F with an initial value of "F." Then use a transparent shape and put a trigger on that shape to flip the variable to "T" when the shape is clicked.

    With the variable now set to "True," you can show the hidden screen and click the checkbox or enter whatever you decide you want to put to hand off to the LMS as "passing" for the user. Again, I would look at the Results dialog and use that to determine what you could use as a workaround to help out the user.

    Of course, your company could just provide mobile hotspot devices to all those far-flung expats, too, thus solving more connectivity issues than simply not having stable LMS reporting. (Just a thought.) (-;

  • I appreciate your detailed response, Joe. I will play around and see if the T/F gets the results I need and if my team can understand what I did with this template for courses that I am creating. 

    I wish we could do the hotspot, but we have external customers who take our courses for free :). 

  • Obviously, I’m missing a lot of information, but my first instinct is that this is probably far easier done at the LMS level than the course creation level.  Like Joe says, and you are experiencing, those built-in variables really resist manipulation. Check to see if there isn’t some way to go into the LMS as an admin and override a score.