Forum Discussion

KathyCurrey-54e's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Exit button not working in Articulate Storyline


I am using Storyline 64 bit. I have set the Player options to "Launch player in new window". The Exit button does not work.

  1. I have the following triggers on the Exit button: "Complete course as completed/passed when the user clicks Hotspot 1."
  2. "Exit course when the user clicks Hospot 1"

Can anyone shed any light on what I can do to get the exit button to work. I have never encountered this before!

Many thanks.


  • How are you testing this feature?  The Exit command will not work in Review 360.

  • Hi Ron,


    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am aware that the exit command will not work in Review 360. We were testing on our LMS, Absorb.


    Many thanks.

  • Hi Kathy!

    Thanks for clarifying things for Ron. Just to follow up, have you had a chance to speak with your LMS Admin over at Absorb about what you are experiencing with the exit command? I'm curious if it's specific to the LMS.

    We recommend testing the behavior of your course in SCORM Cloud to see if it is isolated to your LMS. You can test your course in SCORM Cloud, which is an LMS that we use for testing as well. Here's how: 

    Looking forward to hearing from you!