Forum Discussion
Fill In the Blank Feature
Hi. Is there a feature in Rise that allows you to add a feature where the learner "fills in the blank" but you don't need to provide a correct or incorrect answer?
- ChanceHunter-e1Community Member
Might want to build something in Storyline and then add it as a Storyline block. But maybe others will have ideas for how to do this without having to use Storyline.
Hi Elyse,
I wanted to share that we are currently tracking the demand for Survey Knowledge Check Blocks in Rise 360, a feature that would meet your current requirement. I added this post to the report so we can notify you as soon as it makes it to our product roadmap!
- MichaelMcCall-aCommunity Member
Any update on this feature? We desperately need a simple survey block that allows learners to respond to short questions without the "correct/incorrect" message.
Hi MichaelMcCall-a!
Thanks for checking in on this!
I don't have any updates to share at this time, but I've included you in the feature report. We'll be sure to update this discussion if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.
Have a great rest of your week!
- PaulaOBrien-73bCommunity Member
I would like to upvote this request if possible. It's critical for our adult learners to have an opportunity to reflect on what they learned and to let them capture their own takeaways without getting a score on the response. I'm also using EG and they allow a free-form question type where the learner can reflect. They score the question as being marked correct if completed, and the response saved in their learning record. They score the question incorrectly if the learner leaves it blank. We tell the learner how it is scored and saved so they take the question seriously. Would love it so much if Articulate 360 allowed a free-form reflection question format. Thanks!