Forum Discussion

JenniferBarn823's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Final Assessment Not Scoring

Hello all!  I have a final assessment set to score by Question with no feedback, and 10 points assigned for a correct answer.  When the quiz is submitted and the results printed, the score is always 0 with a fail.  It is capturing the correct answer and the submitted answer but not actually scoring the result (screenshot of report w/ course specific information removed attached).  Thoughts?  

  • It's possible that the Quiz Settings on the Results slide don't indicate which questions to score. Or perhaps the built-in scoring variables aren't working because the Results slide was copied, duplicated, or imported.

    But troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to figure out what's going wrong. Here are the best practices for doing that:

    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
    • Be sure to clearly describe the following in the file and/or in the post with the attachment (if you haven’t already done so):
      • What you want to happen
      • What is not happening that should happen
      • What is happening that should not happen
      • What you have already tried
  • I can only reproduce the same behavior if the result slide was not selected in Question Tools.

    Is this the LMS-generated report you attached? Do you encounter the same issue when previewing a final assessment in Storyline? I am uncertain whether the issue you're referring to pertains to Storyline or the LMS?