Forum Discussion

JayneMcLachlan's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Fullscreen Toggle Freezes on SharePoint

Hi Community, 

I already submitted a ticket but support recommended reaching out to the community. 

I publish my storyline 360 file to web, change the 'story.html' to 'story.aspx' so it works with SharePoint, host it in the site assets folder of my SharePoint site and embed it into a page. The interaction works but as soon as I exit out of my fullscreen toggle button, it freezes on Sharepoint. The only way to interact with it after is to refresh the browser and start from the begining. 

Has anyone come across this and if so, what did you do? 

Thanks so much. 

  • Hi, Harry!

    I see that you’ve reached out to our Support Engineers and connected with my teammate, Jan. That was a great call! Hopefully, others in the E-Learning Heroes community can provide some further insight on this.