Hide layer when user clicks outside a shape is not working on a layer launched from hyperlinked text
We use hyperlinks or buttons in Storyline 360 to open layers that display definitions. The layers don't have a close button. Instead we add a trigger to the layer that hides the layer when the user clicks outside the definition box. That worked great with Storyline 3 and until recently with Storyline 360. It continues to work if you open the definition layer from a button, but not from a link. If you click the link, the link state changes to selected or visited, but the layer doesn't open. It is as if the link click is being interpreted after the layer opens as a click outside and layer either immediately closes or doesn't open. We have a couple workarounds, but would prefer to go back to the single close layer trigger. Is this Storyline change an intentional feature or a bug? To test, 1) create a text box with hyperlinked text and a button that both have triggers that show a layer when the user clicks them. 2) Add a hide this layer when user clicks outside the shape trigger to the layer. 3) Try clicking the button and the hyperlink to open the layer. The button click opens the layer and the click outside closes the layer. The hyperlink click does not open the layer. Though it will open it if you remove that click outside trigger on the layer.