Forum Discussion
If you have 18 variables m(statementText_#) each with a text statement, and three selection variables (statementSelection_#), then use triggers to identify which was statement was selected and then copy the corresponding statement variable to one of the the selection variable. Selecting multiple statements on one slide and saving only three might get messy with only triggers. Maybe you can set a T/F variable (isSelected_#) for each statement (all starting as false). Set to true when selected. Use a trigger and variable (numberSelected) to sum the total number of trues. If they exceed three, then set a variable (T/F selectionAllowed) to use as a conditional to prevent further selections. On your reporting slide, check each of the isSelected_# variables for true, using the current value of the statement Selection_# variables to determine which variable to assign the text value to.
This may be overcomplicated, as it was stream of consciousness. You can probably streamline it. Or, you can adjust the way users select statements to make tracking them easier (may be a better option).