Forum Discussion

WendyJohnson-a8's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

How to force user to click on a Button in Rise 360

I have a button that I want to force the user to click on before moving on. 

I have a Continue after the button with the "Complete the content above before moving on"  but it does not force them to click on the button.

Any advice on how to get this to work? 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Brittney!

      Thanks for checking in on this!

      I've included you in the feature report and will update this discussion as soon as we have news to share! If you'd like to stay up to date, you can bookmark our Feature Roadmap.

  • Here at Toyota, we're having this same issue.  Please add me to the "notify" list so I can stay up-to-date on this request.  THANKS!!

  • Also looking for a way to do this. I need the learner to click one of 2 buttons. Each would send them to a different part of the course. But right now, they could just keep moving through the course in a linear way. Nothing keeps them from just scrolling past the buttons. Even some kind of "dummy" block could do this. A block coded to be interactive in a way that the Continue button recognizes, but with no actual content...maybe?

    Looks like it's been nearly 4 years since this thread was first option for this yet????

    • TimothyTaylor-a's avatar
      Community Member


      I am in the middle of designing and need this exact thing as well. I want to do a branch that requires one of two buttons from a button stack to be clicked, and that will take them to the part of the course that is appropriate for their learning path. Currently, they can move forward linearly and mess up the whole learning path. 


      Please add this feature. After four years, this thread proves there is a desire and multiple applications. 


  • Aaron, 

    I think I found a workaround for our situation:

    1. Create a labeled graphic block, but have the image be a thin solid color that matches your background color.
    2. Delete all the markers.
    3. Add a continue button with the "complete block directly above" completion type.

    This seems to make the interactive block un-completable which prevents a user from moving forward in a linear fashion. This forces the user to select one of the branch choices from the button stack.