Forum Discussion

AshishNegi-bc6f's avatar
Community Member
9 years ago

How to save reponses of radio button


I have created a screen with 7 true/false statement followed by their 14 radio buttons. I want to save the user's response, the radio button which user clicks and then to display it, is there any method to do this? 

    • WendyFarmer's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi Ashish - that is the advice Matthew gave you in his reply to your initial post.

      I created a T/F variable (default to false) for each Question called Q1_response, Q2_response.  

      I added triggers to the True radio buttons for each question to change the variable to true if the user clicked the true radio button - if they click the false radio button the variable stays false.

      On the next slide I added the variable reference into a text box so that whatever happened to the variables from the user clicking radio buttons on the first slide is displayed on the second slide.

  • We want to save the user response yes/no and then display it in the next slide, but the default response of the variables is true/false, is there any way by which we can change true/false to yes/no?. Please suggest  (Refer to slide 3)

  • what would I do if I wanted the response of the radio button selected to show on additional slides? For example, I'm wanting the user to select their job title (from a list of job titles), and then have it appear on later slides. I was wanting to use Radio Buttons to achieve this. Is there a way?

    • BeccaLevan's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello Katie!

      This thread is a bit older, so I'm not sure if these folks are still subscribed, but you can contact them directly via the 'Contact Me' option on the user profile if needed!