Forum Discussion
How to show number of correct/incorrect answers on Results Slide
I am creating a course that has 10 quiz questions. On the results slide, instead of showing a final score, I would like to tell the user that they answered X/10 scenarios either correctly or incorrectly. I still want the score to report back to our LMS; however, the user just needs to know how many they got right or wrong.
Essentially the results slide would say something like:
Congratulations! You answered 9/10 question correctly!
Sorry! You only answered 3/10 correctly. Please try again.
I think this needs to be done using variables but I'm not entirely sure. Any help would be appreciated.
- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
HI Russell
you could set up a number variable called 'score'.
On each quiz slide when the user answers the question correctly add a trigger: Adjust variable 'score' add 1 when you clicks submit button on condition that radio button x is selected or if you are showing feedback layers after each question you could put the trigger on the correct feedback layer.
On the result slide set up your correct/incorrect statements and insert the reference
You answered %score%/10 correctly.
Hope that makes sense.
- munmunbanik-af2Community Member
Hello Wendy, I'm new to this section, could you kindly show a demo of this function, I mean anyone can share it in case you have the demo of the same function. I need it urgently. Thank you in advance.
- MichaelGarvi004Community Member
Hello Wendy, I am trying to do this as well, and I am stuck at this step. "On the result slide, set up your correct/incorrect statements and insert the reference.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Hi, Michael,
There's an easy way to show # correct. For each question, go to Form View. By default, each question is worth 10 points, as shown here:
Change that "10" to "1" so each question is worth 1 point.
Do that, and the "Results.ScorePoints" variable will equal the number of questions answered correctly. Thus, you can show that variable wherever you want to indicate the number correct. For example:
"You got %Results.ScorePoint% out of 10 correct."
FYI: The "Results.PassPoints" variable will equal the number of questions needed to pass. You might not want to show that variable, though, if it could end up as a number with a decimal point (which will depend on the number of questions and the % needed to pass).
- RussellCorrie-cCommunity Member
That did it! Thank you so much!
- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
Glad you got it sorted Russell - good luck with your project!
- PhilipDeer-048aCommunity Member
Hi Wendy,
Is there a way to do this if there are drag and drop questions in use and there are no feedback slides being shown, just the results slide?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Philip,
You can set up a drag and drop to also track a variable, and you may find the example Ned created here helpful. Let us know if that doesn't do the trick, and what areas you need more help on!
- PhilipDeer-048aCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
Here's what we're looking to do.
We want the results slide of an exam to show number of questions answered correctly out of the total number of questions. So we do not want to use score or percent for that.
How can we have this calculated or converted automatically?
This is a complex slide showing overall total score then breakdown by topic.
Here's an example of the idea we are looking to portray on the results slide.
Your Score 76%
Passing Score: 75%
Anatomy 10 of 10 questions correct
Kinesiology 7 of 10 questions correct
Physiology 6 of 10 questions correctThanks in advance!
Hi Philip,
Ah, thanks for clarifying! That's not something built-in to Storyline - we only pass the points scored for each question to the results slide as a variable. You could set up your own custom "Correct" variable by adding something to the feedback layers of all your questions. Something like "Add 1 to variable AnatomyCorrect when the Timeline on Correct Layer starts". That would allow you to add a custom text box on the results slide to showcase those variable values.
If you're stuck, share a copy of your .story file here with folks in the community and we can help you get started!
- PhilipDeer-048aCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
The caveat is that they will be receiving feedback only in the form of their score on the results slide. There will be no question by question feedback given.How might we set it up in this case?
Thanks in advance! Hi Philip,
That'll depend on your question types - if you're using ones that have a "Selected" state such as a multiple choice, you can easily adjust the variable trigger based on the state of that object.
If you're willing to share a copy of your .story file here with folks in the Community - that's a great way to get more eyes on it and advice from the experts! 👀
- PhilipDeer-048aCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
It's about 174 MB, so a bit too large to add here.It's a 50 question exam and includes the following types of questions:
- multiple choice
- true/false
- pick one
- drag and drop
- choose from drop down menu
and maybe another question type or two.
Hey Philip, another idea for you!
Enable the Correct feedback layer, and remove everything on the layer so it is completely blank and transparent. Set the layer timeline duration for .5 seconds. Then, add these triggers:
- Adjust variable [AnatomyCorrect] +Add 1 when the timeline starts on the Correct layer.
- Jump to slide [next slide] when the timeline ends on the correct layer.
Essentially, the learner will not know that a layer has appeared. They will only see that it takes .5 seconds to jump to the next slide after clicking the Submit button.
This solution would work for all question types. What do you think?
- PhilipDeer-048aCommunity Member
Thanks, Alyssa.
This sounds like a nice creative workaround.
Would they still be able to navigate to previous questions to change their answers before submitting the entire exam if they desire?