Forum Discussion

CarlosMartin440's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

How to sync text to speech audio to a video with video controls turned on?

I have a demo screen recording that I have added text to speech to. The demo video has the video controls enabled so the learner can pause, play, and seek within the video.

I am searching for a solution to pause the text to speech (or pause the timeline) when the learner pauses the video using the play button in the video controls.

I have found a way to pause the timeline when the learner clicks the video, which also pauses it, but our need is to have the video controls enabled which don't stop the text to speech when paused.

Is there a trigger that activates upon clicking the play/pause button in the video controls instead of clicking on the video? Below is the VidPauseResume variable I created but the only triggers I could find are when the user clicks on the video, instead of clicking play/pause from the video controls.

  • Hi Carlos! 

    Thanks for reaching out! I was unable to replicate this on my end. I've opened a support case on your behalf so that our Support Engineers can take a closer look at your setup. You're in excellent hands!

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a great start to your day!