Forum Discussion

PhilippeTarnows's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

I can't reset animations to "None"


I am working with the last french version of Storyline 360, and I'm experiencing a very time-consuming problem.

Once an objet has been given an animation such as "Fast Entry" ("Entrée rapide" in french), if I need to copy this objet in the next slide, I won't be able to change the animation of this new object to "None". It will always reset itself automatically to the original animation ("Fast Entry" in my case").

On the new object, I tried to change the animation to "Fade" and then to change the option to "none", and finally change  the animation itself to "None" didn't work neither.

(I thought a selected option could prevent changing the animation type to "None"...but in vain...)

I attached an extract of my project, showing the problem at the beginning of slide 1.4, which is the copy of Slide 1.3. I tried to get the animations of the three remaining texts-object to "None", but I can't find a way to do it.

I f you have any idea, it would help a lot !!!


    • EricSantos's avatar

      Thanks for opening a support case with us, Jillian! I noticed that Philam helped identify a bug in your Storyline file and a new project.

      It looks like some entrance animations don't work on video objects. We'll send you an update once the issue is fixed. If you have additional questions regarding the bug, let us know, and we'd be more than happy to assist you further.

  • Hi Philippe,

    Happy to look into this for you!

    I'd like to ask a few questions to clarify your experience: 

    • I was unable to find any animation named "Fast Entry" in Storyline 360, would you mind highlighting which one of these is the animation in question? If you weren't referencing an entrance animation, please share a screenshot of the exact animation you used.

    • Are you using the latest version of Storyline 360?
    • It appears you meant to attach a sample project file in this post, but I can't see any attachments. Would you mind re-uploading a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi,

    ¤ the animation I called "Fast Entry" is named in the english version "Fly In" (look at the screen capture of my french version).

    ¤ I do confirm that my version of Articulate 360 is up-to-date with the last update released about one or two weeks ago (I don't know where to find the version number in the software interface)

    ¤ check the attachment called "the two faulty animations" to identify the animations I can not remove in slide 1.4

    ¤ I will re-upload a copy of my project (.story) AND I will open a case support

    Thanks a lot for your help.


    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Philippe,

      Thanks for sharing the screenshot and the Storyline file! We received your case and saw that my colleague Lejan helped you with the investigation. It seems the layout used for the animation slide in your project has a text placeholder with a Fly-in animation.

      Please feel free to reply to Lejan's email about whether removing the animation from the slide layout will do the trick. We'll continue the conversation in your support case.

  • JillianShenk's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for getting back to me Eric.  I look forward to hearing from you.