Forum Discussion
Install Failed (ERROR 80070643)
Wondering if this was resolved?
I'm having the exact same problem and none of the steps I've found seem to fix the issue. Despite uninstalling Storyline 2 I still see it in the list of apps in the system menu on the machine. If I click uninstall, however, it just tries to install the program again and I get the same error.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Jodie
Sorry for the late reply, I was away on holidays and not checking emails.
I was not able to fix the installation problem. There was some problem with
my system, it was an old Dell XPS and I got rid of it.
I am able to run SL2 just fine on my new system.
The e-Learning heroes team is very competent and will help you out with
your problem and I can see they are already in touch with you.
Best of luck !
Fazal Qadir Khan