Issues after latest update (Feb 20, 2024) - Storyline behaving strangely
I submitted an accessibility-related case yesterday for an issue with buttons not being read according to the Custom Focus Order that had been set. Storyline was just randomly diverging from the Focus Order for seemingly no reason at all.
Then, my colleague and I discovered that a hyperlink was no longer clickable when using a mouse, but it was selectable when using a keyboard/pressing Enter to open the link. No matter what we tried to fix this, we couldn't get it to recognize the mouse click as an action that would open the link. However, we only had this issue on the one slide that we had recently made changes to (since the Feb. 20 update). All other slides in our projects were behaving fine, hyperlinks and all.
My colleague is also reporting that the preview doesn't always show her things that are present in the published version.
With Storyline behaving so strangely, we are starting to think these issues may be related to the recent update, since everything looks good "under the hood" as far as we can tell. Has anyone else experienced these issues lately?