Forum Discussion
JavaScript for downloading several slides
Hi SamHill , thank you for offering two solutions and yes this is for Storyline.
I’m considering having the "download button" save customized content to learners' computer, which spans several slides at the end and also is tailored to the user's score.
The second option sounds great, but I was wondering if the Export to Word functionality could capture learners' interactivity and tailored feedback, as they only receive customized results based on their choices on the Likert scales.
Regarding the first option, the result page might extend to as many as seven to ten pages, which could be cumbersome for learners to navigate.
Any tips on addressing those concerns would be appreciated!
Hi HongShu-2d122fd I'm afraid there isn't anything to address those concerns. You won't be able to address all of your requirements using native functionality in Storyline. You would need to employ the services of a JavaScript programmer. It would likely be days of work if you are suggesting that a user should be able to download multiple slides of content including capturing the users dynamic content.