Forum Discussion

EmilyTobin's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Keeping Track of Different Variables

In this project, the user is supposed to watch a video that acts as if they are looking out the front of their car. There is a button that allows them to switch views of the video - we'll call them View 1 and View 2.

The client wants the user to only be able to look at View 2 for 2 seconds, and then it switches back to View 1. The user also can look at View 2 only three times before they are considered to have done the prompt wrong. The user is also not supposed to look at View 2 at certain timecodes during the View 1 video.

So, I need to be able to keep track of how long the user looks at View 2, and how many times the user looks at View 2. I also need to be able to keep track of when the user looks at View 2 in relation to specific View 1 video timecodes. 

I am at a loss how to make this happen. Any suggestions would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

  • During the times that viewing View 2 is not allowed, disable the button (Change state of Button to Disabled when timeline of video view 1 reaches xx sec. And Change state of button to Normal when timeline of video view 1 reaches xx sec).

    Put view 2 on a layer that has a 2 sec timeline and closes when its timeline ends. Create a timesViewed numeric variable. Add 1 to it when the timeline ends on view 2. Sort timesViewed to 0 when video view 1 starts.

    Add trigger to button Show layer view 2 when user clicks button if timesViewed is <= [certain number of times].