Forum Discussion

GarethSalter's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Linked Duplicate Slide Masters Error

I am creating a massive interactive manual with no end of issues.
My current Issue is with my Slide Masters being interlinked when I don't believe they should.

I have created a Slide Master Group #1 with all the sublevels that go with it. Once I have assigned links to various slides/scenes and everything's groovy, I then duplicate this Slide Master Group to create #2, then I rename the Slide Masters and change all the links in this group, and then duplicate and create Slide Master Group #3, and again change its names/links.

The Issue I noticed is when I change the links in #3, it updates the links in #1 and #2 to match.

How do I unlink my Slide Master Groups so they don't affect each other?

Due to Client confidentiality, I cannot upload an example of the file.
  • Hi Gareth,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue, and I'll be happy to look into this for you. 

    Since you're unable to share your project file, I made this quick recording showing how I tested the issue. Updating the triggers on one slide master (3) didn't change the triggers on the other two that came before it. 

    Would you mind checking the video and letting me know if there is something I should be doing differently to correctly observe the issue you're experiencing? If the steps are correct, please try replicating the behavior in a new project file to see if the issue is project specific.

    Looking forward to your response!

  • Thank you for your response Jose, and sorry for the delay. I have just returned from my Holidays, giving me fresh eyes.

    Your recording made me notice another issue that seems to be the actual problem.

    My Master slides do not change names when I rename them. As you can see by the attached image, I have changed the 'Slide Master' name which the 'Base Layer' matches, but when I create a Trigger, it displays the wrong Slide name (missing the 'LL').

    I think I may have to rebuild the Masters 😔

  • From your description, it seems like that at least one group has some corruption somewhere, and recreating it is the way to correct that. Be sure you are actually duplicating the completed slide, and not using copy and paste, which is more vulnerable to corruption.

    I assume you are using the term “Master” to describe a group of slides you are using somewhat as a template for other groups, and not in the sense of what the system calls Master slides. If you are referring to actual slide masters, that is an entirely different problem.

  • HI Walt,

    Yes, I am using the Slide Masters.
    The links used are duplicated over 40+ slides, but you may be correct regarding the copy/paste function corrupting within the Master Slides, so I will proceed with a rebuild.

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • Just adding to the conversation, I am currently having the exact same problem. Whenever I duplicate a master slide layout, they are essentially linked. It doesn't matter which Master Slide Layout I have selected, the slide is always showing as the new slide master.

    To make matters worse, I've been working in a saved .story file, so I went to my autosaves (which are set to save every 10 minutes) to grab an earlier autosave, and there are no autosaves for the last 3 hours!? If this bug has broken my Storyline file and I have to rebuild my Master slides with all the triggers I've placed in them (due to WCAG requirements), Storyline support are going to be getting a very strongly worded email from me.

  • The autosaves are only there for file recovery, storyline does clean up after itself so if you have pressed save they may have been removed. I wouldn't rely on autosave for version control. Can you share share some slides so we can have a look? If not you maybe better raising a support case.