Forum Discussion

AmandaFraize-96's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Make Hans Fall Off Cliff

Hi everyone - I have a Cliffhanger game I'm using for a training quiz but I need help with animation at the end. My main goal in this game is to get all 6 questions correct and Hans plummets off the cliff.

There are a # of variables and triggers and I can't seem to make it work.  Please help Hans fall off the cliff and also offer me some pointers about this for the future.  

Thank you all so much - I learn a ton just by reading these posts!

  • I tried to open up your Storyline, but when publishing Storyline crashes time after time. Alas i dont have the time to figure out why it crashes.

    I exported the goat image to mock up some Cliff-falling solution and noticed it being big.
    150 ppi, size 1138x1125 pixels. I can imagine Storyline crashes on this.

  • Is this perfect? No far from...but this is the way i would approach it...
     First cutting parts in Photoshop so you have separate elements. Tail, head, legs, body.
    Then use GSAP javascript to select all elements and move them at will. 
    As said this ain't perfect yet but with some experimenting you can show the goat all corners of the room...euhh cliff...

    Both my sample PSD as the Storyline added.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to do all of that!  However, it's Hans that needs to fall off the cliff (not the goat). :)  I'm not familiar with javascript unfortunately.