Forum Discussion

CassandraTos624's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Markers not opening easily


First marker is selected and opens fine, but I can't view the next marker until I've reselected that same first marker. Articulate website says clicking anywhere outside of the selected marker will cause it to hide - anywhere except another marker, which is the logical next place to click. Huge bummer. An (unresolved?) post from 8 years ago says that 'erratic behaviour' may be caused by saving Articulate storyline files on a local hard drive, and that files should be saved on the C: drive. I'm using Articulate on a Mac via Parallels Desktop and the files are sitting in my Downloads folder. There are no drive letters on Macs so not sure what to do there.

A quick solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 

  • Hi Cassandra, it's always good to strip your project file down when sharing, and only sharing what you absolutely need to. We can then get straight to the slide, and you are not unnecessarily sharing any of your work on a public site.

    The issue appears to be more about slight overlap as I can definitely click on markers when another marker is open, but the text bubble from the open marker appears to impact the hotspot area of the markers, for example on Slide 2.6 when I have "Who?" open, this impacts the bottom of the "Record" button, but if I move the "Record" button higher, the problem no longer exists, which would seem to confirm this is just more about overlap of the text bubble over the hotspot of the marker.

    You might just need to make a few tweaks on the placement of the markers to try and avoid this if possible.

    This is not a suggestion for a fix, but an illustration of the issue: 

    • CassandraTos624's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Sam, 

      Thanks for your comment. I've tried to space out the markers a little more and it works more or less well.