Forum Discussion

KarenOBrien-b10's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

mobile device issue: screen title: word splits into two lines

hi, is there any suggested fix for the following issue whereby a word in the screen title is splitting out over two lines?

In the screenshot below you can see that the word 'Monitoramento' is split over two lines.

This is happening in multiple slides. We are about to resort to looking at the files in the scorm zip to see if we can manually hack the css, which isn't ideal for obvious reasons. So just wanted to check if there's a simpler fix for this?

Any advice appreciated!


  • Hi Karen,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Since the word 'Monitoramento' is being split into two for you whenever the course is viewed in portrait mode, we recommend adding a soft hyphen to inform users that the split words they see on the screen are connected. See my colleague Crystal's comment in this post for more information.

    Let me know if you have any questions!