Forum Discussion

Darlybalderramo's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Modificación la Puntuación de la diapositiva resultado

Buen dia con todos

Mucho agradere me indiquen el proceso para poder cambiar la puntuación del 100% a otro valor,  por ejemplo 5, 20, etc. 

  • Hi Darly,

    Thanks for reaching out; I'm happy to help with this question!

    The 100% from your screenshot references the built-in variable Results.ScorePercent, which shows the learner's score in percentage. In your case, the learner got 2 out of 2 total questions, which is 100%.

    You can replace the value in the screenshot above with a number or a variable if you wish to change the one displayed in that area. Check out the article below to help you achieve this.

    Let me know if you have questions!