Forum Discussion

SamHill's avatar
Super Hero
2 years ago

Numerically (px/%) configure corner radius on rounded corner shapes

Hello Storyline staff. Can you let me know if it is in the development pipeline to be able to configure the radius of corners on a rounded corner shape, so that we can set them more accurately, rather than having to use guides to do so.

It's a PIA to have to configure these using your eye and guides, especially when wanting to make UI elements consistent throughout a project.

If I receive a design, with a shape with a 20px radius corner on the shape, I have to drop that graphic into Storyline, place my shape over the top, so that I can line up the corner radius.

Imagine if I was able to look at the shapes properties and define the radius.

Also, while we're on it. If I've then defined my corner radius, once I start to resize that shape, the corner radius decides to change, so I have to configure again for each shape size. This is awful when trying to establish a project style, only for it to be easily broken once a shape is resized.

  • KenziLowry's avatar
    Community Member

    We need the ability to be consistent!! Adding my vote. Thanks!

  • I just spent about an hour and half just trying to get 4 shapes consisent on their corner radius. Please add my vote for this request.

  • MarkMarino's avatar
    Community Member

    Unfathomable that this is STILL an unimplemented feature request after 10 years.  Just add it to the list of hundreds of decades old feature requests that Articulate apparently doesn't feel any need to add to the product.  ADD THIS FEATURE!!!!

  • MarkoRuban's avatar
    Community Member

    I've also struggled with lack of control for corner radius on speech bubbles for months.  Please add my vote as well to this feature request.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community, Marko! 🎉

      Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and I'm sorry for the trouble regarding the corner radius on speech bubbles. I've added your voice to the feature request, and you'll be among the first to know once this enhancement is added to Storyline!

  • This corner radius issue occurs with the captions also (speech bubbles with the triangle you can adjust to point where you need it to). When you adjust the triangle pointer attached to the caption to the side vs up/down or even resize the box, it randomly changes the curves and margin for the text sitting inside the boxes. Which makes that very inconsistent and tricky to use. A fix to these issues would make the building of modules much smoother and avoid the need for workarounds (e.g. use of external graphics tools/overlaying text boxes where it is not wildly out in shape).

  • Not sure why this should be a feature request. This is not how corner radius' are handled on the web in CSS or graphic design applications.

  • PeterMoore1's avatar
    Community Member

    This feature has been requested for years. Cannot the wise brains at Articulate see this as a very important enabler for producing a quality and consistent UI experience within the courses we all build. Nobody likes outputting work where there are small inconsistencies in rounded corner radius, it creates an unprofessional look. Personally, I never use more than one rounded corner shape and if I need many shapes like this at different sizes, I’m creating shapes outside of Storyline and importing these. A time consuming activity that wouldn’t be required if Storyline development bettered supported good design practice. Can I add that not having this feature on the roadmap yet is frankly, very disappointing. 

  • Hi Sam and Maura,

    I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with rounded rectangles! We currently have these logged as feature requests, but there currently hasn't been any movement on these as we prioritize other requests. I’ll go ahead and include both of your voices in those requests. We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.

    Thanks for reaching out!

    • EPurtell's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi John. This is such an important required enhancement. How can we vote to increase the importance of this for development? 

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Elissa,

        Rest assured that we're tracking each and everyone's voices here in this forum. Simply letting us now you're interested in a feature is enough for a vote to be added to the request. For your reference, here's a quick look at how we manage feature requests.

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi John, thanks for the response but I'm not sure why this is a feature "request" and not something that Articulate haven't implemented already. Working with the web and graphic design programs, you can configure the radius of corners on rectangles, so that you can have a nice consistent design. Scaling the rectangle will not mean you have to zoom in on your corners and try and get them pixel perfect again.

      The lack of this configuration option just means you aren't supporting your developers as well as you could be. The consistency in design is something very difficult to maintain when we can't do these things numerically and have to do it by eye, or by using guides and zooming in.

      I've had to teach developers techniques of using a square shape of 10PX or whatever I want the radius to be, to line up the point for the guide on the corner. This is a crazy thing to have to do.

      I don't know how it has been decided that "background audio" is a more pressing requirement than this.

      Also, I note the feature roadmap has three items, without any forecast dates. Surely the developer(s) have targets they are aiming to meet internally. Why don't Articulate make these public so we can communicate to our clients.

      • ID4WiscState's avatar
        Community Member
        Sam Hill
        1. The consistency in design is something very difficult to maintain when we can't do these things numerically and have to do it by eye, or by using guides and zooming in.
        2. I don't know how it has been decided that "background audio" is a more pressing requirement than this.
        1. I cannot stress how accurate this critique is. Every time I really dive into a project I am proud of, I find myself comparing Articulate Storyline to After Effects. Give me a properties panel! Allow me to set motion path with beziers. Set states up to function like precompositions. Even applying styles underperforms the expectation. Word has that system down, and I expected that level of nuance when Articulate finally used styles; but the control necessary to get quality consistency isn't there. 
        2. 100%. Exactly. This. Make the prioritization of features make sense.