Forum Discussion
Object states on main nav slide not affected by variable change
I agree with point #2 to a degree. If the slide is set to "Reset to initial state", then all of the objects reset, so the visited state is reset to normal (or whatever the initial state of the object was). Not what I need. I'm not too concerned with point #3.
I have a problem with point #1. Variables are not slide-based. They are project-based. If I change the value of a variable from any slide, the condition of that variable can be checked from any other slide. The variable does not need to be on the same slide. It essentially becomes a system variable and can be used throughout the project. It is not displayed in my screenshots, but when the value of the variable is changed, the reference "False" changes to "True". I check this value with the trigger but it does nothing to change the object state. This is a problem.
See the attached quick-and-dirty example. What I am trying to accomplish works here. Branch 1 is visible. Branch 2 is not. Follow branch 1 and return to the main slide. Brach 1 is now visited, and branch 2 is visible. This is all done using a variable that is set on the branch 2 slide.