Forum Discussion
Overlapping States
I've been noticing a randomly occurring, but frequent, issue since the newest update. On some objects, the Normal/Original state will overlap with any other state (Hover, Visited, custom states, etc.)
So when you hover over a button, the text might change color, or an image might change, but the original text or original image can still be seen underneath.
Here is a quick example, a side by side screenshot from a published example:
On the Hover state, the icon is changed so that the bars on the chart sit a little higher when hovered over, though you can still see the original icon being used underneath when this happens. Additionally, you can see the stroke thickness looks more intensified as the images are overlapping. If I did this with a lighter text color on the hover state, and made it bold, you could still see bits of the original text peeking out from behind. I've tried testing this with .PNG, .SVG, .GIF, and other transparent files, but it happens with Storyline assets as well.
Here's another example using an icon built into Storyline. On Hover, the icon should just rotate 90 degrees, however, when in Preview or Published mode - the icon overlaps, and instead of having horizontal lines, we're left with a waffle/grid. Each example was made using a new Storyline file.
What's strange (or stranger) is that I can make a new state, set it to hover, delete all the objects on that new state, copy and paste in place the original assets used, and then swap the icon - and it will still happen.
The only workaround I have is to paste in place the base of the button (in this case the white rounded rectangle) two or three times, depending on any shape effects (e.g. drop shadows), which adding a bunch of objects to one state doesn't always yield the smoothest results once published. Additionally, in some circumstances, doing this causes a flicker effect on the hover state where the new button base flashes in before the rest of the other objects do, or the drop shadow will flicker when hovered over.
Fixes? Workarounds? Is this a known issue that needs to be patched?
- LynsieLukash919Community Member
I'm also having this issue. I have a group of teal icons that turn white on hover, and should turn grey after being visited. Instead, they are remain teal/white in normal/hover mode and do not show the visited state.
The same states and triggers work fine on the text below the icons, but not on the icons. If I disable the hover triggers, the visited state works. I even created a custom hover state, but the bug persists.
In my attached one-slide example, the computer icons have the hover state and the other two icon groups do not as proof of concept.
Please help!
Hi Lynsie!
Sorry to hear you've hit this snag with visited states from your Storyline course!
I see that you've already opened a support case as well. Great move! You're in excellent hands working one-on-one with our support engineers and should be hearing from them shortly.
We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.
- AlexanderMurathCommunity Member
Unfortunately still an issue. My workaround was to have the normal state blank and triggering another state at timeline start, so the overlaying state has no interfering graphics. Not perfect, but works for now.
Hi Alexander!
Sorry to hear this has been slowing you down!
Thank you for sharing the workaround with the community. I'm sure other users discovering this thread will find it very useful. We'll be sure to update this discussion as soon as we have news to share!
- JJCarterCommunity Member
I reverted to the previous version of Storyline and I am still having the issue. I was hoping the previous version wouldn't have this bug. Tried re-doing the states in this older version with no luck
Hello J C,
Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue as well. Our support team has identified the following workarounds which seem to have worked for some users:
- Remove the shape from the Normal state that persists in the Hover state. Here is a Peek 360 recording showing this workaround.
- Imagine that when editing the other states, the other objects from the Normal state are there. You'll just need to edit and overlap the state's objects with themselves to effectively "hide" the objects from the Normal state.
Feel free to open a case with our support team here so we can look at your project file and check which workaround works best for you while we permanently address the behavior.
- JJCarterCommunity Member
Thanks Jose- I found a workaround by creating a small object as the normal state and then basically doing what you said- using the other states to cover that object.
- KristenCasalenuCommunity Member
Did anything ever get fixed with this? I am having the same issue. Visited and Hover AND Selected states overlap.
Hover is meant to be black text on green circle. Selected is the exact same. And Visited is meant to be white text on black, with the green checkmark above the text. After clicking, it shows this:
Hello Kristen,
I'm sorry you've hit this snag. The description you shared seems different from the bug reported in this post. Would you be willing to share a copy of your Storyline file privately through a support case so we can look at how the states and triggers are set up?
Our Customer Support Engineers can help determine whether the behavior is within the scope of the existing bug and find possible solutions. We'll delete your file when we're done testing.
- SpencerCommunity Member
Hi Kristen,
I can confirm that the issue has not been fixed after all of these months, years, and versions. I just had this issue pop up in Storyline 360 x64, and I was the person who originally made this post, so it is still very much an ongoing issue that is still affecting most, if not all, users.
It looks like your issue may be similar, if not the same, though its hard to tell without knowing what the Normal state looks like - though it does appear identical to the issue in this thread. Adding a screenshot of your States menu would be helpful!
Again, the best option, until it eventually gets fixed within the upcoming months or years, is to simply workaround Storyline's issues. A "fast" way is to simply break the relation between the states by deleting everything. Here's how to do that:
- Select the object
- Select Edit States
- Select New State
- Select All (Ctrl + A)
- Delete everything from the New State
- Go back to the Normal state
- Select All (Ctrl + A)
- Copy (Ctrl + V)
- Return to your New State
- Paste-in-Place (Ctrl + Shift + D)
- Make any necessary edits
That should do the trick, though it sometimes doesn't work. If that's the case, you just have to workaround the workaround. In this case, it could be copying and pasting the green circle and recoloring it. The key thing to note, is that it will overlap anything it doesn't find new and different from the original/Normal state. For example, the circle can change colors - but its still the same circle to Storyline. However, copying and pasting that same circle and recoloring it makes it a new circle, and thus it shouldn't overlap. Does it create extra work? Yes. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Is it the best option? Basically.
There are several workarounds, and plenty of great advice in this thread, if both of those options do not work! I look forward to when this issue will eventually be resolved in a future version of Storyline, as it really takes away from Storyline and its use.
- SpencerCommunity Member
Is there any update on when this will be fixed? 770 days is a LONG TIME for a support ticket/bug report to be active and ongoing, especially with no transparency on when/how it is being addressed. I appreciate all that Articulate is doing, but it would be nice to get something more than just a request to submit another ticket, or told its still being looked into, etc. all these years later.
- NBirksCommunity Member
I have had trouble with this and it's been eating up my day trying to find a solution. I decided that I would simply hide objects without using states, but then ran into the problem of not being able to hide groups.
I did find this video which lists a few approaches to the problem of hiding groups of objects, which may helpful for some: - ShirleyNguyen-cCommunity Member
I am also experiencing the same issue on my end and would appreciate Articulate looking into this and fixing the problem.
- MarcoGiacomassoCommunity Member
Sorry but I'm encountering the same issue.
A very simple example attached: text overlaps and style of hover (bold) is not respected.
Quite annoying!Hi Marco,
Thanks for reaching out! I've added your voice to the report mentioned in this thread so we can notify you if there are any changes to the behavior. As a workaround, you can use the "mouse hover" trigger combined with a custom state to achieve the same effect with your image. I've attached a sample project file so you can test the workaround.
Hope this helps!
- MelanieMiceliCommunity Member
Articulate, please, we are begging you! This issue has been ongoing for YEARS! I've had to go back and use triggers instead of built in states to get the effects I want. :(
- SpencerCommunity Member
Agreed. It diminishes the use of the product, makes it not work as intended, and causes issues for customers. This literately happened after an update, and instead of rolling back and fixing it where it started, we just keep moving forward with no solution in sight.
There was another recent update that broke another feature, which I won't get into details here; for the sake of relevancy, but now I have an additional support ticket that I fear will remain open for years to come alongside this one. I have never had a support ticket/bug report open this long, and this is coming from someone who also used to work in IT.
I appreciate Articulate staff and support, and I'm trying to be patient about my growing list of issues and requests, but when they keep piling up, with no solutions (just "Your voice has been added...") it gets a bit frustrating.
For all of our sake's - I hope a solution is in sight!
- SpencerCommunity Member
Seeing things like AI Video being added to Rise 360 before fixing a major technical issue with Storyline 360, that's existed for years now, feels rather disheartening. While I'm excited for all of the new features, and appreciative of Articulate, I also want all the features that have existed to work as intended.
Could we please have some transparency on where this is at? I think it would help all of the users being affected, especially those still stumbling into this topic years later looking for answers, if they at least knew where things stood on the matter. Just the occasional comment providing any update would be highly appreciated!
- AmberBrown-c0d4Community Member
Agreed! Especially as this is not a free product.
I'm actually surprised & dismayed at the lack of attention to customer issues.
Hopefully this will be a priority soon!