Forum Discussion

KatieBirdwell's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Passing score recorded as Fail in LMS

We have a few courses published in Storyline 360 that are being problematic - students are getting the required number of questions to pass correct, but are still being scored as a Fail. This is not happening to EVERY student who takes these courses, it is happening seemingly at random.

For example, we had a trainee yesterday taking a course with 132 questions and the required score to pass is 100%. The trainee got 132 questions correct and 0 wrong, but Storyline reported a Fail score to our LMS. It has happened on another of our courses that is 50 questions, 70% to pass (so a minimum of 35 questions correct to pass) - a trainee got 41 correct and 9 wrong, but was scored as a Fail.

I've tried to find similar posts and have seen Articulate support staff comment, "If the issue persists, open a support case with your LMS provider, since they're your primary source of support for LMS tracking and reporting issues," but our LMS provider has stated that the raw slide data from Storyline supports the "pass" score, but the results are being reported as a "fail" status. When looking at the data they pulled for the first trainee I mentioned, they said, "Looking at the individual scores reported per slide, they all appear to be correct.. It looks to me like he answered every slide correctly, then Storyline somehow failed to accurately tally the total.. The results, as reported by Storyline, are contradictory." We are at a loss for how to figure out how to fix this issue, or even WHY this is happening. As I stated, it is not happening to every student who takes these courses, which leads us to believe that the problem is NOT improper settings in the Storyline file/package – these have been one-offs but are problematic for our training.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you,


  • Hi Katie!

    Thank you so much for sharing these details with us! I've started a case with our Support Engineers so that they can offer 1:1 support. You should've received an email from me at If you didn't receive that, please let me know!

    I encourage you to continue troubleshooting in the support case so that we can nail down the reason why the LMS is not reporting a passing score.

    • KatieBirdwell's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Lauren, I've received communication from the Articulate Support team and uploaded the storyfile for their review. I'm looking forward to their comments and feedback.

      Have a wonderful day!

    • KatieBirdwell's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Ronny,

      After submitting a copy of the Story file, the support team was unfortunately NOT able to replicate the problem we were having. They did say that the course length and amount of questions could have been an attributing factor to the issue, as well as it being a problem with how the LMS was responding. I'm sorry to say they weren't able to give us a solution! The course was scoring correctly when tested in the SCORM Cloud, so they suggested opening a support case with our LMS provider because it seemed to be an LMS-specific problem. We were never able to pin down a concrete reason. I went back through my emails with our LMS provider and don't see anything about what the solution was - I'm sorry for not being of more help! 


  • RonnyMejia's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Maria Costa-Stienstra,  Unfurtunatelly I can't share the file, due to a matter of policies and internal configurations of the company, I cannot share the file, however, I would be more than willing to have a video call to better explain the situation. 

  • Hi, Ronny.

    I opened a support case on your behalf so that you can connect with one of our engineers directly. We'll be in touch soon, via e-mail.