Forum Discussion

ChristinaBruno's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Pick Many Slide of Quiz & Showing Results when Printing (Storyline 360)

I have a need to create a "date picker" option in a quiz (files attached). We would like to not use the Fill-in-the-Blank because we run out of correct answer possibilities will all of the ways a person could enter a date.

I've solved for grading right/wrong. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to show WHAT the student chose in the print results? I also run out of answer choices with all of the months, days, and years the student could pick. I was hoping to pass each variable to the Print results but don't know how to do that. My JavaScript & HTML skills are nonexistent, FWIW.  :(

I hope there is another creative solution I have not thought of!

  • ScottWiley1's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm not sure of the "why" behind all of this, as I can't see where you've solved the right/wrong or how to submit an answer to even get to the results slide so far.

    But couldn't you just put a copy of the existing text boxes used to show the month, day, and year variables on the results slide layer? If the variables have not been adjusted through some other means, they will still show the value given previously.

  • ScottWiley1's avatar
    Community Member

    Oops. I now see the problem - the results slide sends the data to a pre-made html page, and the answer is the content of the correct/incorrect answer, which is "Wrong Answer NOT" something.

    Without some major JavaScript manipulation to dynamically recreate a "report" with your custom stuff, unfortunately I think you're stuck with possibly creating all months, days, and years as choices.

    Can I ask what the basic learning objective here is? Maybe thinking up a different interaction, or different way to get there would be possible.

  • ScottWiley1's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Christina,

    I couldn't get yours to work with the way I was thinking of doing it - having a selection do the filling the blank, but due to day and year variables being of a "number" type instead "string" to compare.

    I reworked it by splitting the single "question" into individual the individual tasks, each as it's own pick one quiz question. Then the print results works fine without any additional hacking. I didn't go to extent, showing them what they answered, as this is just a prototype.

    Hope this helps.